1 definition by len stuart

street punk is a form of music for those who are working class or poor. those who dont fit in that catagory cannot relate to a street punks lyrics because they are not part of that lifestyle. street punks are usually alcoholics who drown lifes injustices with beer almost every day. drug use is most common aswell. the appearance of a street punk is deceiving, you may think that they look mean or stupid but in reality they are some of the nicest people who want the same things to happen in the world as any other decent human wants such as fair justice, unity and peace without war. they usually wear tight pants, leather jackets and boots. people think that punks are ignorent but its the opposite, when a punk walks by and hears a group of people call him a fag or freak this is ignorant not what the punk does in response to this. most punks dislike other punks they dont know (its ignorant and unexplainable)*PEOPLE WHO GO TO SCHOOL AND LIVE WITH THERE PARENTS DONT KNOW SHIT ABOUT STREET PUNK*its also common for street punk groups to sell out their roots at some point in their career contradicting what they once sang about.
the casualties (at one point)
the unseen (at one point)
(street punk)
by len stuart December 27, 2005
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