1 definition by koolkat75

Most may think a candlestick refers rod of wax with a wick in the middle. When lit it produces light and small amounts of heat and wax melts everywhere. After years of researching the origins of this sacred word, it has been found that it has a much different meaning. It is still a noun but now refers to the head of a red-headed person (ginger). It is a comparison of the red hair to a candle and how the red hair resembles fire. Others have researched the word even further back into the word's roots to satanic devil worshipers: they found that it goes further beyond a comparison. It is believed that the absent soul of a ginger is stuck in another realm and actually has real fire as hair.
Johnny: Man my hands are cold.
Chris: You're such a baby.
Johnny: Hah, that's funny because you're never cold with your fire hair you fucking candlestick! Let me warm up around the bonfire on your head.
by koolkat75 November 23, 2012
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