1 definition by klfjd

About the BEST animated movies ever. Involving various vegetables, and the occasional fruit. eg: Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber, Scooter, the Carrot Family, Jimmy Gourd, Jerry Gourd, Mr. Nezzer, Mr. Lunt, Archabald Asparagus, Junior Asparagus, the French Peas, Sweet Petunia (who's a rhubarb) all vegetables and Pa Grape, the Peach, Madame Blueberry (fruits). and also Snoodles and Buzz Saw Louie(who are neither fruit or vegetable)

and..if you don't watch them, then you pretty much suck.
i don't care whether you like the religious messages or not, they're still pretty darn amazing.

if you don't have one, go get one. they have them at Wal-Mart.
and apparently they're also on TV..
I fall asleep every night watching various Veggie Tales movies. and you should too.
by klfjd November 30, 2006
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