1 definition by john8907

Vasja is the most socially aware person ever, yet is the biggest social potato. Despite being a potato, she is one of the best friends that you will ever and will make you spend all your time with her. Vasja, is not like other girls. When something awkward happens, she won't just leave you but will try to keep being friends. She is an extremely beautiful girl, who is extremely attractive but have a thing for putting sultanas up her nose. Often her types of boys are ones that live in different nations. This nation obviously is her imagination where boys are not twats. If they aren't a twat or a Matt or live in her imagination, he then lives in Sydney, where she will never meet him.

She is also an extremely skilled chess player, who will never let you win willingly. Her Chess.com score continues to rise, which her no mercy chess skills. In real life chess, she own a marble chess board. unbeknownst to her parents she has broken the white queen, and super glued it together. One day maybe I'll tell her parents.

Overall, Vasja is a great person who should be in everyones lives forever. She is also a really bad kisser and has probably never kissed a guy in her life. It may be so bad that you question your own kissing ability. Despite having some weird interests involving sultanas, she is an all round person, who is extremely attractive. She also has an amazing fashion sense, but is extremely incapable of dressing someone else.
by john8907 July 7, 2020
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