16 definitions by john Detlor

Dinkout is a term used strictly in the world of golf. A dinkout occurs when a male golfer hits an awful Tee Shot that makes the entire foursome look silly to those watching. Said golfer must than play the rest of that hole with his "dink" sticking out the fly of his pants.
Come on now man, it didn't even make it past the ladies tee... Thats a Dinkout
by john Detlor May 7, 2007
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Teeth that look like Gollum from Lord Of the Rings, Gully teeth should be a greenish grey color, be very crooked and shard, and look as if they are used to chew on soup cans all day .
Sweet Christ, look at the lady eating the burger over there, she has some razor sharp Gully Teeth
by john Detlor May 25, 2007
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