1 definition by jflsajfdlkadsf

Also known as 'The Man Your Man Could Smell Like' and played by Isaiah Mustafa, this legendary figure of man was first featured on an Old Spice commercial in February of 2010 that was a huge hit. He was later featured in more Old Spice commercials, but during the days of July 13 and July 14, 2010, the Old Spice Man was taking questions on websites like Digg, Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook, and those who were deemed worthy by his supreme manliness were given a less than a minute answer in a humorous video that was posted on Youtube. For those two days, he dominated the Internet, and continues to on this day, July 15, until probably forever. He enjoys swan diving, monocle smiling, silver fish handcatching, taming whales, being handsome, flattering the ladies, and doing the impossible.
Swan Dive!

I wish I was as handsome as the Old Spice Guy.

Hello ladies.

How are you-fantastic.

You're on a boat with the Man Your Man Could Smell like.
by jflsajfdlkadsf July 15, 2010
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