1 definition by jfaienr npfhiea haipguawrhp018

1.What Ke$ha gets drunk on.
2.What Ke$ha gets high on.
3.What Kesha brushes her teeth with.
4.What Ke$ha is really singing about.
5.What Ke$ha likes to eat for breakfast.
6.What Ke$ha wipes her ass with.
1. "Duuuude did you hear? Ke$ha got drunk on pubes again.
2. "Earlier today I saw Ke$ha smoking some pubes on the street."
3.Contrary to the thought of brushing her teeth with a bottle of jack, Ke$ha uses pubes instead.
4. "This place about to bloooowww" = "Your pubes are my pubes"
5. I had pancakes this morning, but Ke$ha had herself some nice, fresh pubes.
6. Kesha likes to use pubes as toilet paper.
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