1 definition by jetcobbsgirlfriend

Jet Cobb is the biggest twat I have ever met. However he has the most monstrous cock I have ever seen. He makes me laugh so hard I nearly wee myself every time. Most see him as a hot surfer/skater boy but really he is the biggest softy ever. And he is the BEST cuddler. Greatest little spoon ever. He always knows what to say, and always knows how to make me smile. I want to touch his face. All. The. Time. He is so crazy, he will do anything for the bois. Biggest light weight. And when he gives you the look. Never let that mothertrucker go. His blue dreamy eyes will leave you droolingb forever. He's also fit as fuck and has an extra toe for that extra grip ladies. He can't play fortnite for shit. And if he watches highschool musical he is a keeper. And if he asks you to fuck to Star Wars...That's when you marry that bitch. And can I just say. I'm got marry Jet Cobb. NO CAP
example 1; "he is so sexy"
"its jet cobb you need to wife him"
example 2: Jet Cobb - "so like...Star Wars?"
You- "I love you"
by jetcobbsgirlfriend April 1, 2020
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