1 definition by improvking

A name that comes from an italian root. This person is usually short seeking the strength to grow and rule the world; Outstandingly intelligant; A perfectionist to the point that can sometimes be annoying; A funny person; A person that tries to hard for a lot of things; Craves the colour black and uses it in many ways; A special person with outstanding punctuation, grammar and amazing calligraphy!!! Even if you think this is a bad name, it is really very special!
Hey girl! Wow, your rockin the black today and wow, you got some amazing printing there!" "Oh don't make me blush, teehee, I try so hard and I know I will get 100% on this one!" "Lol, your too funny, you always get 100%, your like god! Your a Civita! :D
by improvking December 7, 2010
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