1 definition by ihatempan

fucking dumbass bitches who try so very hard to be popular when in reality no one gives a fuck. ur cool if u vape and do drugs and ur a loser if u don’t dress or act like a fucking whore. girls dont have a sense of style w them ugly ass ugg slippers, leggings, and a crop top. god help you if you’re emo. boys wear shorts in fucking 40 degree weather and also have no goddamn sense of style

everyone goes to the mall for some stupid fucking reason and the even stupider ones smoke weed in that one alleyway right next to primark. to be cool u have to fucking smoke weed and hit nic mad or else ur called a loser. annoying ass pick me girls at every corner spending mommy and daddy’s money and giving head in eighth grade

fucking leave this town immediately
colts neck hs kid: did u hear another 8th grader from mpan got arrested for giving head in the matress section of macy’s?

howell hs kid: what do u expect its manalapan
by ihatempan June 8, 2022
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