1 definition by iflagcodepatrol

Indisputably one of the best presidents of the United States of America. Perhaps the best.

The 28th.
Elected in 1912 and again in 1916.

The only president of the US to this point to have held a doctorate of philosophy. Graduated from Princeton and Johns Hopkins.
Led America through World War I. Issued the Fourteen Points, which established an idealized standard for the world to strive for in diplomatic relations. National women's suffrage. 13th president of Princeton University. Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize due to his dedication to shaping the Treaty of Versailles. The League of Nations, the inspiration for the current United Nations, was his brainchild. The Clayton Antitrust Act. Established national Mother's Day. Wilsonian idealism has been the core of American foreign relations since 1914.
A great politician and thinker who was ahead of his time in many aspects that any citizen of the world should look at with respect and admiration.
Woodrow Wilson is awesome!
by iflagcodepatrol October 13, 2009
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