1 definition by ichriecheblut

Pronunciation: Eyes and/or Ace

The Seer / The One

A gender neutral name that is based in ones clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience, and clairaudience. A highly intuitive person that is gifted in the occult and may have a natural knack for story/fortune telling and other spiritual services. If given this name you must trust your intuitive feelings and never second guess your intuitive organs otherwise you may end up in dangerous situations or manipulated into being driven mad by people who would like total and complete control of your psychic ability. This person has a strong relationship with the number 1 and is a natural born leader with consistent fresh ideas and a gift for networking, however may live a life in solitude.


A = 1 I = 9 H = 8 S = 1

1+9+8+1 = 19 1+9 = 10 = 1

The number 1 represents the beginning and is the blueprint of all numbers, expect consistent transformative events.

Traits: fiercely independent, determined, free-spirited, self sufficient, charismatic, critical, dominating, perfectionist

Astrological ruler: the sun

Lucky colors: yellow, gold, and orange

Tarot: the magician, the sun
Aihs represents the beginning and the end.
by ichriecheblut November 22, 2021
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