1 definition by i-lost-the-game

-We have seen your vagina when you bend down through the side of your super short shorts. Where your underwear was during all this nobody knows.


p.s. yes, we are talking to you......... vagingo!
"m: i just saw her vagina through the side of her shorts.

k: what!?!!! you seriously saw it?

t: what's up?

k: he totally just saw he vagina through the side of her shorts.

t: WHAT!! she wasnt wearing underwear?

m: i didn't see any i only saw her va jay jay

k: gah what a vagingo i mean vagina

t: no lets call her that. she is the vagingo monster.

m: hahaha"

k,m,t: omg its VAGINGO. AHH VAGINGO!

(vagingo continues walking without realizing it is her)
by i-lost-the-game November 4, 2009
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