3 definitions by hshtsohai4bskwnkz

a: a
b: bee
c: cee
d: dee
e: ee
f: ef
g: gee
h: eich
i: ai
jk: just kidding
lmnop: (iconic) elemenopee
q: queue
r: are?
s: ess
t: tea
u: short for "you"
v: vee
w: doubleu (why.)
x: ex
y: why
z: last letter of the alphabet. zed
by hshtsohai4bskwnkz December 27, 2021
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The most annoying combination of emojis ever. If you still use this the door is that way 🚪
Person A: Hey
Person B: Who are you👁👄👁
Person A: (Leaves....)
by hshtsohai4bskwnkz April 25, 2021
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