1 definition by himiko player

Tzanetos” is a greek name and it is only one letter away from the meaning “death”. The meaning of the given name Tzanetos represents creativity, curiosity, charm, friendliness, cheer and social life. People with this name are pretty quiet and don’t communicate with people, but once you get close to them, they are energetic, loud, crazy, and overall nice to be around. They sometimes will give off a bad vibe to you or leave you out of nowhere, so be careful when you anger them. If you guys are really close, he’ll treat you like his lady or his brother.
Girl 1: “Oh look, its Tzanetos. He’s so boring. But he’s also kinda hot.”
Girl 2: “He’s not boring! You should get to know him first. He’s actually a pretty good guy!”
by himiko player April 1, 2022
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