1 definition by hdgdfb

Mutago is very kind person, she is also very smart and the man go wild for her, Mutago might seem quiet but if u get to know her you will see her wild side she is very crazy as hell and promise me you dont want to loose her as a friend/girlfriend. If you are mad at her she wouldn't even care she would just ignore you and wait for you to talk to her she will never make the first statement when it comes to chatting , Where as the bad side of Mutago is she can be very ghetto she is very ghetto the ghettoest of all time (goat) And literally a slay queen
James: Hey look at that hot girl over there.
Evan: Whats her name?

James: Her name is Mutago.
Evan: Damn thats hot.
by hdgdfb March 20, 2023
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