1 definition by hartsock

A preppy, rich boy town where you either skateboard, bmx; smoke mad weed Or be a jock and sit home all day playing video games. Everyone says 'Weah' Or 'herb'. Half of the teen population act like they live in the ghetto and try to be a homie. Kids here wear really fresh jordans with abercrombie t-shirts. You are either rich and mommy and daddy give you $200 to go to get food 'uptown'. Nobody ever make it big if you were raised in st james. Nobody sticks up for themselves and everyone person picks on kids 5 years younger than them. The population consists on 95% caucasain 2% hispanic and 3% African.....you also make bomb threats to get out of school and sit home all day Or go into town to smoke pot outside of the smoke shop. Every car that you see on lake avenue is well above $60,000.
Friend 1: yo man wanna go uptown and hit the bong?
Friend 2: Nah man I have to go home and study My dad is giving me $400 to study.
Friend 3:want to go to the mall? I need more abercrombie and chill with the goths
Friend 4: I love st james! There never crime!
by hartsock July 1, 2011
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