45 definitions by hannahlolywhosteesyd

every single way i remeber rn that you can spell somethig using only the letters from sleep

slepe selep eslep lespe

i cant think of more and my head hurts so whoever wants to continue this have fun
me : sleep leeps eepsl epels eepls eelsp eelps eleps eselp

someone: what

me: s l ee p :D
by hannahlolywhosteesyd October 17, 2023
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person 1: a
person 2: kys, die, jump off a roof.
person1: :(
person 2:your mom hates you, you have no father, no one likes you.
person1: b
person 2: (dies)
person 1: :D
by hannahlolywhosteesyd December 8, 2022
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pls urban dictionairy i dont care about divorced dad energy im not a divorced dad gfyqqygwfwh
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me: i keep seeing divorced dad energy
Urban dictionairy: divorced dad energy
me: pls let my family go
by hannahlolywhosteesyd December 2, 2022
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some numbers that mean nothing

unless you give it a meaning i guess
by hannahlolywhosteesyd October 30, 2023
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