1 definition by h/e/c/t/o/r

The last name of the most favorite person at Health Careers High School. Everyone loves him so much, as he who has this last names is the hottest person at the school. He's literally so smart and is going to be valedictorian of his class. He's also really rich and can buy and sell each and everyone one of y'all. Why is he who has Frausto as the last name more superior than anyone else at HCHS? Because he has magical powers of mind control that make everyone submit to him. He's a perfect Christian child who prays to God every night and every morning. His perfect white teeth, and hos hot af *almost* curly hair because he damaged it using a hair straightener at 400 degrees. Everyone likes him who has the last name Frausto, and ur bullied if u don't like him. He's prayed to as a god and can speak Spanish. Also, he's going to a good undergraduate college in Texas and an out of state Medical School.
OMFG-- is that frausto, i wanna fuck him right now
PLEASE-- frausto is perfect
did u just make fun of frausto? you're gonna regret it
by h/e/c/t/o/r November 3, 2020
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