1 definition by gobblegobble gobble

Internet content that baits the 11 time world champion of surfing and big time winner at life Robert Kelly Slater. aka, GOAT, aka Slats, aka Bobby Slade, aka Ke11y.

Kelly's feats in surfing are unparalleled, an uncompromising competitor known widely for his "mind games" employed to confuse and bedazzle other and often younger competitors. Also known later as a successful business owner with many ventures ranging from a wave pool that, in a day, could suck more energy than a fully lit stadium running for a year non stop, to high end fashion and energy drinks.

The social media age has revealed Slaters boomer energy. He is widely known for getting into wild back and forth discourse with "nobody's" about topics as wide ranging as flat earth theory, derisive street signs near his wave pool, sugar content of Snapple, and issueing BJJ challenges to stoner Cali-dudes with attitudes.

Slater refuses to answer to allegations against his character or environmental terrorism in any Surfing related forums. Rather, his personal preference against any perceived slight is to use internet photo sharing/influencer app Instagram which confounds many who have admired his skills on fibreglass performed with class and skill not seen before or since his arrival on the scene in the early 90's.
Man.. I had no idea my innocuous comment on Joe Rogan's last post would incur the wrath of the king.. Homie feels strongly about this latest IG filter update, he even DM'd me it must have been potent Slaterbait
by gobblegobble gobble July 31, 2020
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