1 definition by getyofreakon

Tihomir (Bulgarian, Macedonian and Serbian: Тихомир) is a South Slavic male given name which means "quiet" and "peace" (South Slavic: Tiho = quiet, mir = peace). In Russian however the word “mir” мир also means world. So in Russian language, the name means “Tiho” = quiet “mir” = peace or world).
People named Tihomir are usually very handsome and intelligent. Not always “quiet” and “peaceful”, especially when provoked. Tihomir is a perfect example of a good friend and a hot,sexy boyfriend/lover.
How do you picture your future boyfriend?

- I want a Tihomir!

-Yesterday I hooked up with Tihomir!
- No way! You’re so lucky!!
by getyofreakon November 21, 2021
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