1 definition by friend_of_scottie

A good friend that many long to have. This is friend who usually suffers from depression, and is accustomed to heart-break. A Scottie is somebody you shouldn't take for granted, and you should let him know often how much he means to you. This is somebody that will lie for you, die for you, do ANYTHING for you...especially if they like you. This is somebody who falls in love easily....but tries not to show it--at least at first. He likes late-night calls with girl friends, and has many good friends he couldnt live without. If any good friends that he was close to move away, he usually thinks of them EVERYDAY. This is somebody who, if you dont show that he is appreciated, will leave. Finally, when he gets hurt he tries not to show it....but it scars and he never heals. He NEEDS people, but is not a very social person.
To a depressed friend: "Dude! Cheer up! Stop being such a Scottie, geez!"

Girl to Boyfriend: "Awwwwww your such a Scottie :)"

From good friend: "Thanks for being there for me, Scottie!" :)
by friend_of_scottie April 13, 2011
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