1 definition by fieldhockeyplaya23

The best hockey out there. More civilized than Ice hockey and just plain better than floor and rollor. It's an olympic sport that also has many world cups and a large fan base. Some of the best in the world are men too; Teun De Nooijer, Jaimie Dwyer, Nate Coolidge, Christopher Zeller. But women dominate in the U.S. with Amy Tran, Kate Barber (retired), Dina Rizzo, Jen Long, ect. One tough ass sport where you sweat blood from all the running, break fingers and backs to no end, and sculpt perfect quads from being low so often.
example one
Kim: "What are you doing after school?"
Leah: "Hockey practice, I was the rage in the cage last night agianst Ridley."
Kim: "Oh I quit hockey because it was so tough and I can't run as well as the other girls even though I'm on track."
Leah: "It's okay, not everyone can be great enough to play."

example two
Bob: "only lesbians play field hockey"
Ashley: "if thats true than I'm the hottest lesbian you've ever seen."
Bob: "true that"
by fieldhockeyplaya23 August 19, 2009
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