1 definition by fear boner

Also known as blackout-in-a-can or liquid cocaine, 4 loko is a trifecta of 12% ABV malt beverage, caffeine, and excessively sweet flavored syrup. Available in numerous flavors such as grape, watermelon, and cranberry lemonade, that all taste equally terrible. Drinking four cans causes one to go "loko" and gain superhuman abilities as well as a unexplainable need to do things one would never even consider while sober.

One can costs only about 3 dollars yet has as much alcohol as a bottle of wine and more caffeine than a monster, causing severe inebriation combined with excessive amounts of energy. A perfect beverage for someone looking to get incredibly fucked up, while also fucking shit up. Not to be consumed by retarded freshmen, underweight asians, or girlfriends, as all will end up puking their brains out and being insufferably retarded and annoying for the remainder of the night.
Guy #1: "Dude, I drank 20 beers last night, blacked out, passed out on the couch, and got my face drawn on."

Guy #2: "Oh yeah? I drank four 4 Lokos, blacked out, jumped off the roof into a swimming pool, fucked my friend's girlfriend, took a shit on SAE's lawn and put my head through a wall before I passed out in the parking lot's elevator."

Guy #1: "Damn, I wish I had gone loko last night..."

Guy #2: "So loko, bro!"
by fear boner November 6, 2010
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