1 definition by father longnipples

The act of, at the moment of climax during anal sex, the woman clamping down, creating an airtight fit around the penis and passing gas with such force that it travels down the urethra and enters the sperm duct, eventually blowing up the testicles like balloons (A gigaqueef), performed with such vigour that one of more testicles explode under the force.

If a gigaqueef is performed before or after climax, the bladder may be ablated instead of the desired area, the testicles. Therefore it is always suggested that viagra or other aphrodisiacs are consumed before it is attempted during sex.

Also known as a "Ballooning Ballbuster" or, medically, a "Testicular Ablation".
Alan to Keith: "I can't believe that my testicular ablation surgery was 23k! those scoundrels!!"
Keith to Alan: "You mean an explosive gigaqueef? dude, my wife gives those out for free lmao!"
Alan to Keith: "But bro, I dont want your wife to give me a ballooning ballbuster..."
Keith to Alan: "Who do you want to then?"
Alan to Keith: "You bro..."
Keith to Alan: "Bro..."

*Alan and Keith kiss.*
by father longnipples May 11, 2022
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