3 definitions by fat guy on your roof

The one person in your group of Friends who is always salty
Alex: Man why are you always so salty!
Jason: Salt salt salt salt salt!
Alex: Calm down! No need to be a Salt Boy!
by fat guy on your roof March 24, 2015
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The one person in your group of Friends who is always salty
Alex: Man why are you always so salty!
Jason: Salt salt salt salt salt!
Alex: Calm down! No need to be a Salt Boy!
by fat guy on your roof March 24, 2015
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The one person in your group of Friends who is always salty
Alex: Man why are you always so salty!
Jason: Salt salt salt salt salt!
Alex: Calm down! No need to be a Salt Boy!
by fat guy on your roof March 24, 2015
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