2 definitions by evilhannahmontana

Those guys in history class. The ones obsessed with world war two. But in a planes, tanks and blitzkrieg kind of way, not acknowledging human suffering kind of way. Probably will play "devils advocate" for hitler. You know, the world war two boys.
Girl 1: "That WW2 boy won't stop staring at me."

Girl 2: "Didn't he rant about the bombing of Dresden for like 25 minutes last class? ww2 boys suck."
by evilhannahmontana January 12, 2021
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Those guys in history class. They think the Knights Templar were the most epic thing ever to exist. Believe the KT were an oppressed group, because French King Phillip IV killed a bunch of them 800 years ago. Will probably say something troubling about muslims under his breath during class. A variant of the more common ww2 boys. You know, the Knights Templar boys.
Person 1: "ugh i said the Knights Templar were gay and now my comments section is full of Knights Templar boys."
by evilhannahmontana June 28, 2021
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