1 definition by eli f

lexus is a japanese luxury brand that spawns from toyota. their main market base is the US, and they are having trouble selling in europe and asia. mercedes-benz, bmw and audi lead worldwide.

most of the people who are saying that lexus is better than mercedes (LS460 vs. S550) are people who can't actually afford a mercedes and are therefore jealous. the s-class is the pinnacle of performance, luxury and style, and the lexus LS460 can't touch it. btw, for the person who said that the LS600hL has two thousand pre-orders: many of those pre-orders had no idea of the car's performance, and have canceled their orders because they are disappointed with the not-so-great mileage.
Mid-level exec: My Lexus LS460L can park itself.

CEO: My Mercedes-Benz S550 is better, sorry.
by eli f June 18, 2007
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