2 definitions by ees

"Gallo Negro" The slickest cat on street guy is so raw you don't want to mess with him. But so articulate that you think he's a prof. Good friend to have and terrible enemy to know. Will always have your back, and is a true bro, through and through. But, he is also a playa so one must be careful to call dibs on girls as quick as possible when chillin with this G because he will honor the call but if not he will take all them biddies.
1-yo what you'd do last night?
2- Went to some club with Yawsony and picked up some "biddies"
1- Nice, that guy is a G.
by ees December 8, 2010
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Someone who you love and don't want their feeling to be hurt by calling them a name because they are very insecure but have no reason to be you call them a silly seal
by ees September 1, 2017
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