2 definitions by edmondhc

When someone denies doing something and says "I didn't do it!" in a tense, high pitched voice over a minor accusation.

'Jonny' referring to the original speaker that first used the phrase "I didn't do it!" and 'Clark' as in the former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark - people said she was male because of her looks.

'Jonny Clark' is used in New Zealand.
Person One: "Hey you took my pen!"
Person Two: "I DIDN'T DO IT!"
Person Three: "What a Jonny Clark."
by edmondhc August 21, 2009
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A cheeky white boy.

Slang used in New Zealand.
Person One: "Hey you took my book!"
Person Two: "I DIDN'T DO IT!"
Person One: " ... Don't get cheeky, white boy."
Person Three: "What a Jonny Clark all over again."
by edmondhc August 24, 2009
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