1 definition by dumberblonde

maybe you don't like molly. maybe you think she is fat. maybe you think she is ugly or stupid. this molly doesn't deserve the term okay. not pretty. nor beautiful. or flawless. the only word that comes close to describe her beauty is pulchritudinous. (sorry you had to look that up) but she doesn't know it. and when someone tells her she denys it. she always tries to live up to the idea of perfection but little does she know so already is beyond perfect. when she smile or laughs its like a goddess. heck she is a goddess. she comforts you in the deepest times and loves you in the worst. if you ever have the HONOR to even come in her presence you better cherish it cause a girl like molly doesn't come around ever day. she is the most sacchariferous girl you will ever encounter. (sweetest) heck if you don't want her your just well stupid. she puts her heart in faith in everything she does. being an amazing friend is her life. she is very rad girl to have laugh with. she can always make you happy even when she smiles. you need a molly in your life. they make the best friends. xoxo your kake shipper. :)
casey: wow that molly she is so beautiful!
kara: why don't you ask her out?
casey: no way she is way out of my league.
kara: well she is the best :))
by dumberblonde November 19, 2014
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