1 definition by dirtrider

Acually a very nice place Ive lived here all my life,It is far enough from La that you dont have all the congestion,and is also closest place to all the ski resorts,the three highest mountains in southern california are all in the IE.Its also the closest to the desert (techniqually palm springs is in the IE)and is only an hour a way from the beach and LA and its the closest to the river and Las Vegas.The reason IT is not as devoloped in some places is because alot of the people here like the small town feel to alot of the cities here.Also mostly only San bernardino has some bad parts in it the rest of the IE like Yucaipa,Redlands,Oak glen,East highland,cherry valley,Loma Linda,Grand Terrace,Beumont have very low crime rates (check the stats).Yeah alot of the kids drive lifted trucks and ride dirtbikes,but alot of those kids work and buy there own vehicles,unlike orange county where every kid has a lowered 2 door lexus or bmw with a loud ass annoying exuast that there parents buy for them.And since they drive those cars they all think there jeff gordon and peel out every corner and race any other car with just as annoying weak little exuast,so you cant say shit about someone in a truck driving worse.I only know because I stay out here in the OC a few days a week to visit some family.Alot of the suburbs in the Inland Empire have areas that are as nice as the nicest places in Orange county easily but most people never see those parts because they only drive through the IE on the freeway,The IE also has two of the best hospitals in the country Loma Linda University and ST.Bernadine.
The Inland Empire is the center of everything in southern california.

The IE is the closest region to all major things in southern california
by dirtrider June 22, 2009
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