2 definitions by digsy

Person who seems to be going jogging, until you see that they are weighed down by half thier parent's wages in gold. Wears mobile phone round neck, that's what the kiddies do nowadays.

Has ego almost as big as the pair of socks they are wearing, which stretch over their jogging bottoms. Maybe an ingenius attempt to keep rain out of the ports / nikes.

Stripy jumper indicates scally leader / complete wanker.
Hey look, that scally is dressed like a humbug.
by digsy October 19, 2003
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The process by which two or more male homo-(sexuals)sapiens fornicate. See also - Manbits, Manchap, Manhole, Sechs.
"digby, we mansechs now pal1?!!?"
by digsy September 2, 2003
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