1 definition by dicklover9000

a genuine human being who no matter what loves to hype you up. she may not always drink but she is always the life of the party. her ass is super phat!!!!! but she knows how to push your buttons at times. S’khyia means business when she is focused, she won’t let anything distract her from reaching her goals. she has a way with words that will melt your heart and make you fall in love with her. she is a genuine and loyal friend. she will keep you updated on her love life even if you don’t ask. S’khyia is one of the greatest people you will ever get the pleasure of knowing.
person 1: wow look at her, shes stunning
person 2: that’s Skhyia
person 1: i want to marry her and dick her down right now
by dicklover9000 November 7, 2023
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