2 definitions by deadpool 1

A person who thinks they are better than they actually are and often misinterpret situations.

Some context:

A guy who thinks he is getting a girl just because he talks to her. Even though she is obviously friend zoning him.

A player in Fortnite who kills you just out of luck , because he got a Pump first, but for that reason thinks he is better than you. Even though he truly is not.
This bunzer thinks he is getting Jess just because he talks to her in the hallway.

This bunzer just one-pumped me and is giving me the L-Dance.
by deadpool 1 May 22, 2018
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A person who thinks they are better than they actually are and often misinterpret situations.

Some context:

A guy who thinks he is getting a girl just because he talks to her. Even though she is obviously friend zoning him.

A player in Fortnite who kills you just out of luck , because he got a Pump first, but for that reason thinks he is better than you. Even though he truly is not.
This bunzer thinks he is getting Jess just because he talks to her in the hallway.

This bunzer just one-pumped me and is giving me the L-Dance.
by deadpool 1 May 22, 2018
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