1 definition by dead billy

Psychobilly is what evolved when rockabilly (thought to have been originally invented by either Carl Perkins or Elvis Presley, being hillbilly style rock and roll) met punk. The band who coined the term was The Meteors, one member being of the punk subculture, one of the rockabilly subculture and the third being an extreme horror movie fan. They are an example of the psychobilly trio (bass, guitar, drums). Psychobilly is strictly a-political (no political references) and is characterised to use stand up bass (also called the double bass). Psychobilly kids are characterised to dress like greasers/punks, have a psychobilly quif (shaved at the back and the sides), a pompador, or a horshoe quif (where a piece in the middle is shaved making it into a horshoe shape when looked at at birdseye view) and are usually covered in tattoos. The girls commonly look like a punkified version of Betty Page or other comon 50's icons. Psychobilly has a strong link with vintage horror movies. Zombies are also closely linked with the psychobilly culture, with many of it's members desperately wanting to be zombies. A lot of pschobilly kids are said to be dirty or greasy, this, however, is often not true.
Kim Nekroman, P. Paul, Wolf, Simon, Geoff, Patricia, Nick 13

Psychobilly is all around. Come with us. People walk afriad. Maybe we'll kill someone. And eat his brain.
by dead billy October 30, 2006
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