1 definition by dead mans son

To become so intoxicated, the ability to speak in understandable words, becomes lost. When an individual is kirpled, they continue to attempt communication, to no avail, as they can only spout jibberish. Most other motor skills remain intact, which can be decieving to those around the kirpeled one. But once conversation is attempted, or even a simple "Do you have the time good sir?", there is no hiding the kirpeled one.

This condition is named for recovered alcoholic and all around great guy(since he quit drinking) Marc Kirpel of Florida.
Man: "Hey, bro, you having fun?"
Man 2 : "Havish nuj gud stakin fis!"
Man : " uhh..ok..later!"
Man 2 : "Levin nig tus frinkstin, ugm mushtig nuub die"

" Dude I was so kirpeled last night I woke up in my under wear, in the bathtub, at my moms house and there was puke all down the drivers side of my truck!"
by dead mans son July 14, 2009
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