1 definition by david hackle

The true meaning of ‘Abbas’ cannot be described with just a few words. Your name is your destiny, heart’s desire, and personality. Abbas is a name that evokes logical reasoning. You are possibly intelligent, intuitive, graceful, and even a psychic. Interest in spirituality and mysticism is a strong possibility in your quest for truth. Sometimes you are not friendly and do not like to spend time with other people.

Heart Desire of AbbasYour heart’s desire is peace and harmony above anything else. You need friends and society. Your gentle nature makes you avoid confrontation as much as possible. There’s always an internal battle when you are uncertain about something. Sometimes, you have difficulty stating your needs and opinions openly. Worse, you’ll give up when confronted by a more aggressive person to avoid a fight. You dislike the use of force.

Personality of AbbasWhen people hear the name Abbas, they perceive you as someone who is stimulating, idea generator, talkative, and charismatic. You can attract, influence, and inspire people. You are often seen wearing functional clothing that can work for day and night events. You radiate a potential for success that attracts others to your cause.

Wacky AbbasYou are a person who is true to your ambitions and interests. Independent, creative, freethinker, and have strong leadership potential. You want to be in charge and tend to like your original ideas. There are times you are impulsive.
Its so lucky to have a Abbas in your life
by david hackle March 24, 2023
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