1 definition by danimator

Comedic literary sub-genre seen most frequently on the internet rather than print publications. Written predominantly by men and targeted largely to males aged 16-24, webcasm is a usually bombastic, snarky, matter-of-fact prose style, the trademark of which is usually hyperbole delivered in a matter-of-fact deadpan voice. Most recently developed and popularized by the writers of websites such as Somethingawful.Com and Maddox.xmission.com, and later aped by larger commercial outfits such as Cracked.Com. Popular for its political incorrectness and confrontational style, webcasm is the preferred writing style of many aspiring bloggers and would-be web humorists.
Webcasm: "When the developers came up with the plot for Ninja Crusaders, there were undoubtedly celebratory paperclip shurikens all around the boardroom. See, psychotic face-eating aliens have invaded Earth, and the only thing that can stop them is badass, pajama-wearing ninjas. Nothing encompasses more prepubescent awesome than a ninja beating up aliens, except maybe a ninja that can fucking turn into a scorpion beating up aliens."

by danimator July 11, 2008
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