1 definition by d2 at 43rdstateblues

Hosed or broken in a way that puts fixing it out of reach. The web-app equivalent of BSOD.

Several commercial blogging services have components that crash regularly. When a crash happens, users are left at the mercy of the service providers, sometimes for hours or days. Nothing is end-user servicable, and vendors typically don't offer support state, so all a service customer can do is sit back, rage impotently, and hope enough functionality remains to tell users 'that feature is currently bloggered'.
Comments on the site are bloggered...

The permanent links to those archives have gotten bloggered, and since I'd...

Hey Mercury23, republishing the entire site usually works for me in fixing bloggered links...

Link seems to be bloggered a bit...
by d2 at 43rdstateblues March 26, 2008
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