1 definition by d0ll b0nes

All Cops Are Bastards; Refers to all cops being inherently corrupt due to a fucked up system giving the police more power than civilians creating a power dynamic and therefore causing citizens (particularly minorities) to fear them. People who say, "BuT nOt AlL cOpS!!!1!" clearly are not paying attention and often confuse it with "all cops are bad" when yes, not all cops are bad people, however, it is the power dynamic between the police and the rest of society that creates the issue. Usually associated with BLM, Anarchism, and the punk movement.
person 1- ACAB!!
person 2- iT's NoT fAiR tO sAy ThAt AlL cOpS aRe BaD!!! mY uNcLe Is A cOp!!!!
person 1- i never said all cops were bad. fuck you and your uncle.
by d0ll b0nes July 10, 2020
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