1 definition by crimsonBelle

Asaya might seem a bit shy and reserved at first, but once you get to know her, she will become one of the best friends you'll ever have. Brilliant and a little crazy, you'll never be bored with her around. Asaya is beautiful inside and out, but doesn't quite realize it. She's a wonderful student and/or excels at her job, but she puts too much pressure on herself and often tries to do too much. Always trying to get better at everything means that Asaya is often depressed and insecure, but she's grown skilled at hiding it. She also tends to be a target for bullying and harassment, which is especially damaging for her self-worth. Asaya has a lot of empathy and she's been through a lot, so if you win her trust, she'll always be there to support you. Make sure you are there for her the way she is for you, and even though she might try to push you away, don't you dare give up on her. Anyone would be lucky to have someone like her in their life.

*She will call you a bitch but don't take it seriously
Person 1: Hey, what do you think about Asaya?
Person 2: Asaya? She's sooo sweet and kind, she lent me her PE uniform even though we only met a few days ago.
by crimsonBelle March 30, 2021
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