1 definition by content housewife

What a woman becomes AFTER she realises that there are things more important in life than HERSELF. She is able to realise that by emasculating her husband she is doing more harm than good and that by supporting her husband and children and taking care of the homefront she can contribute to the welfare of her family and society by ensuring that her children don't become 'latch key' kids. A housewife is a woman who is not content to allow someone else to raise her family.
ME! Ive had a career, i am still studying and futhering my education and i help my husband run a successful business from home, i cook, i clean and i look after my son and husband. All while waiting for a transplant, so don't you dare tell me i'm lazy becuase i'm a housewife
by content housewife March 29, 2009
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