9 definitions by considerthefollowing

What you call the Urban Dictionary after searching a completely normal non-disgusting word and come up with some nasty nasty description of it that makes you never want to see the word or Urban Dictionary again.

Synonyms: Urban Disgust, Urban Ewtitionary, The Book Of Nasty Descriptions
Ewwwww..........I'm never searching anything on the Urban Disgustitionary ever again.....
by considerthefollowing June 26, 2018
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Someone in the comment section of a YouTube music video who has nothing but crap to say about the music. They decide to click on a song they don't even like just to spread the hate. These people can be trolls or just idiots.
Musicomplainer: This song sux lel go die in a hole

Sane person: So why are you even in this comment section? Go listen to something else....stupid musicomplainers
Even saner person: Um, not to be rude but responding to musicomplainers is just what causes more Internet Idiocy.Don;t waste your time.
by considerthefollowing June 28, 2018
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