2 definitions by colonel moo

Very similar to Netflix and Chill, Amazon Prime and Chill is all about a booty call and not the actual movies. But take note that Amazon Prime and Chill is a better "bang" for your buck. A Prime subscription gets you free two-day shipping on all Amazon orders and Prime Video at a slightly less expensive rate than Netflix.
"wanna hang?"
"sure, but i'm not down for netflix and chill!"
"i don't have netflix, but we can definitely amazon prime and chill"
"ok sweet:)"
by colonel moo September 27, 2015
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Neandersquatch's are people who have a far protruding forehead like a neanderthal, but also have the resemblance of a Sasquatch's hairy eyebrows. Most often seen in foreigners who immigrate to the U.S. or the really old people who lack personal maintenance.
bushy eyebrowscaterpillarNeandersquatch
by colonel moo February 18, 2011
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