1 definition by cofkase

let's discuss the difference between a real fan, shall we?

real fan:

doesn't judge other fans by how many song titles they can name, respects that some other fans don't know every single song of every single panic album, and most definitely doesn't hand out their unwanted opinions to new fans.

fake fans:

always asks irrelevant questions and makes other fans uncomfortable.

is this what Brendon would want? think about it.
real panic! at the disco fan:

karla: oh my gosh I really love panic at the disco!!!

Stacy: oh my gosh I really do too! Maybe we should talk about it like civil human beings!1!1!1!1!1!1!!1!1!1!!1!!!

fake panic! at the disco fan:

karla: oh my gosh I really love panic at the disco!!!

Barbara: oh really??! Well then why is the middle name of Ryan's uncle's grandpa's cousin's ex's brother-in-law's sister?? Or do you not even know who Ryan is?????!!!

learn the difference.
by cofkase July 7, 2016
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