2 definitions by chelsbuggg


The act of preforming mathematics (shortened word: math)
Person #1: "Shhh! Hold on, I'm mathing!!"
Person #2: *confused*

Person #2: "Don't you mean you're doing math!?"
Person #1: "NO!! I'm mathing, so shut up so I can figure this out!!"
Person #2: "Wow, okay then..."
Person #1: "Thanks, now I need to math all over again because you interrupted me! Ugh!!"
Person #2: "But it's simple math, you'll live!"
Person #1: "But mathing is hard!!"

Basically it's used when the person preforming the act of mathematics has an already difficult time doing simple math, making them frustrated and forcing them to explain why "mathing is hard, yo!"
by chelsbuggg August 3, 2016
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Girl who has lots of accidents (hits curbs or other objects with vehicle, knocks over grocery store displays, drops items constantly) and playfully giggles and says “oopsie” or “oops”
“Chelsea backed into a coffee display at Target and giggled “oops” everyone in the isle laughed as she picked up the items”… “she’s such an oopsie girl
by chelsbuggg May 11, 2021
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