1 definition by cannotfindafuckingusername

Letycia is a passive aggressive goof ball who makes cute noises.Letycia is extremely mature and dirty minded too.She can be possessive but she's not toxic.She becomes insecure of things she shouldn't even care about.She is very affective and is really soft on the inside.And damn boiii she can roast ya anytime so be careful around her.This girl is smart and extremely caring.She's honest and loyal and bro she's so cute,just like a baby panda.But anyways Letycia is a great friend and lover so take care of her well.
Person 1:Wow who's that?
Person 2:Oh that's Letycia!She's a great friend you know.
Person 1:Well she's a real cutie
Person 2:She's more than that.She's mature,smart and caring.Anyone who gets the chance to be by her side is extremely lucky. *blushes*
by cannotfindafuckingusername December 9, 2020
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