27 definitions by caitlin perry

The third level of friendship between 2 friends;
At this level they can eat Jack in the Box buttermilk sausage sandwiches with eachother, without the need of presence by any other, usual tag-a-longs.

• level 1: becoming friends; usually through other friends
level 2: when one friend is able to sit shotty during the absence of the other's boo
level 3: (see above)
CAITLIN: we've never had lunch together, just the 2 of us
CONNOR: Let's eat buttermilk sausage sandwiches!
CAITLIN: This is a new step on the ladder of our friendship
CONNOR: yes. me and you are now buttermilk buddies...it's the third level of friendship.
by caitlin perry January 14, 2007
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The third level of friendship between two friends; At this level they can eat Jack in the Box buttermilk sausage sandwiches with eachother (without the need of the presence of people like Nathan or Laura, allthough they are dearly missed).
level 1: becoming friends; usually through other friends
level 2: when one friend is able to sit shotty during the absence of the other's boo
level 3: (see above)
CAITLIN: Ponnor! we've never had lunch together, just the 2 of us
CONNOR: Let's eat buttermilk sausage sandwiches! And it's CONNOR, btw!
CAITLIN: This is a new step on the ladder of our friendship
CONNOR: yes. me and you are now buttermilk buddies...it's the third level of our friendship haha
by caitlin perry January 5, 2007
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What a cat uses to make it's meows.
Some meow boxes are louder than others,
and on rare occasions, one can come broken,
sounding like a, "rahhh".
Connor: what's wrong Ponnor?
Ponnor: rahhhh
Connor: Oh, sounds like your meow box is broken.
Dad: Connor! Leave my precious alone!
by caitlin perry January 14, 2007
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The spoken abbreviation for the word: abbreviations.

Abreevs are typically ones used between close friends, and they can vary from school to school or by cities, or even states.
iPod = pod
cuddle = cud
decent = dec

NATHAN = I told Leah we should listen to my pod, then I realized she has no idea what that means.
CAITLIN= You probably shouldn't use our abreevs on her.
by caitlin perry June 15, 2009
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A term used to describe an asian person, or group of asians who walk around school next to each other, sagging their pants, wearing helly/hansen or northface coats, and with camelback backpacks.
Thus named because they thing their black, and act black in every way, except for they're absolutely asian.
CAITLIN: Why are those kids all dressed the same and waddling like they're pregnant?
NATHAN: Oh, don't worry...it's just the black dragons.
by caitlin perry June 12, 2008
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