1 definition by c0ff33 is life

School but add in teachers who give you 3 trillion assignments, teachers who dont have a clue how to open a word document, teachers who say "Well you're at home so you have free time all day" when you have to clean your entre house and/or take care of any animals, teachers that give you 3 trillion assignments then complain about grading, teachers who say you can edit a pdf file when you really cant so you waste a week re-typing the 6 page worksheet she has given you in word and then she asks why it was late after you give her a whole dam lecture on how you CANT edit a pdf, teachers who are just plain annoying when they are tired but online, a computer, 80 million zoom links, teachers who dont know how to use zoom, 8 trillion cups of coffee for puling all nighters working on one of the many 20 page papers your teacher expects you to finish in a day, dont forget waking up late, not looking presentable because you woke up just before the zoom meeting, teachers who wont let you eat on a zoom meeting... even though they are having an entire 5 course meal AT A RESTURAUNT, time schedules for the 9 million different zooms you have to be on, eternal pain and suffering, torture, listening to kids talk for 80 years but with lag, the chat blowing up on zoom, hey at least you get sleep JK you will get no sleep from the sheer amount of assignments you get
go on dictionary. com and search torture to find out more
I hate Online Learning
by c0ff33 is life January 5, 2021
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